On Quinn asking Rachel to take her to get the "Jewish baby disease" test:
"It's so funny, because I'm Jewish. There's a line in the show along the lines of 'Will the baby be Jewish?' and Quinn makes this face of disgust. You're playing the opposite yourself in many ways."
On what the future holds for Quinn:
"I think she's always going to be testing the people around her. I don't think she'll ever let Puck off easy and I also don't know if Finn will ever be enough for her. She's kind of in over her head. There's some funny stuff coming up between she and Puck."
On Quinn's collection of cute sun dresses:
"I wear a lot of dresses from Anthropology or vintage dresses, which Quinn does as well. There's a slight difference to them, but not huge, and sometimes I'll show up to work and the dresses that I'm trying on are actually things that I have in my closet. There would be moments before the baby bump became apart of my costume, that the set PAs wouldn't know if I was dressed or not for the scene. They would have to ask 'Is this you, or Quinn?'"
On ’sniper’ paparazzi:
“In L.A., you almost never see them. Sometimes it will be bought to my attention by someone on my team or one of my friends will email me and say ‘Isn’t this picture of you funny?’ But it’s strangest when you don’t see them…They’ll get pictures of you’re laughing and it looks like you’re smiling at them. That’s the strangest part. Guerrilla-sniper paparazzi.”
Dianna on celebrity sites drawing conclusions from a photo of her drinking coffee with Adam Brody while they were filming upcoming movie The Romantics: “Our call time [for the film] was the same that day, so we thought we’d go grab coffee together. An hour later, I had a boyfriend. (laughs) It was great.”
On having Neil Diamond's "Sweet Caroline" as Puck's first solo on the show:
"I wasn't as stoked as my mom was. That's her favorite artist. I used to buy her a Neil Diamond cassette tape every Christmas."
On being 27 and playing a teenager:
"I think the show a little tongue-in-cheek about the fact that we're teenagers. We're not teenagers, and we don't look like it either. But we're also dealing with really adult situations. I think the fact that we're in high school is almost an after thought."
Mark on whether they’re actually getting grape slushie dumped on them:
“It’s actually botox, so that we keep our youthful glow. Actually, we go back and forth between real slushies and this synthetic mixture.”
On Puck's talent being his saving grace:
"Everyone in the school is trying to get out of a small town situation, and he knows the only way he's going to do that is with his talent, not his brains. If he graduates at all. "
Mark on some bloggers’ breathless descriptions of his chiseled physique:
“I’m honored by their kind words. But my eyes are up here, OK?”