Monday, March 22, 2010

Hogwarts Burns Down; Voldemort Rejoices

A fire broke out at the London-set of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows at Leavesden Studios on Friday night.

Those of you who haven’t read the book might not want to read the following, as it reveals details about the film’s climactic sequence (note: I’m sure the trailers for the final film will show some of this sequence, but I’m playing it safe).

The fire occurred while the production was filming the climatic battle for the last Harry Potter film. The Battle of Hotwarts sequence involves Harry Potter and an army of students defend the wizarding school from evil wizard Voldemort. The big battle required a lot of pyrotechnics and explosions, and “a mocked-up castle made of timber, steel and plastic” caught fire.

A source told the Conventry Telegraph that they “were shooting the scenes where Hogwarts gets blown up during the battle” but the “fire managed to catch hold of the set and it went up in flames. It was completely out of control at one point.”

Watford firefighters were called to help with the fire, and it took a reported 40-minutes to put out the blaze. The exterior Hogwarts castle set was said to be almost completely destroyed. It is unclear if the set was a scale miniature or just a section of the castle’s exterior. None of the main cast were on set as it was a special effects shoot. About 100 crew members and some cast escaped without injury. One source estimated damage at £100,000.
