Saturday, February 13, 2010

Robert Pattinson hates vaginas!

Robert Pattinson puts on his best brooding face for the March 2010 issue of Details magazine, on stands February 23. Here’s what the 23-year-old Twilight star shared:

On the sexy Details photo shoot: “I really hate vaginas. I’m allergic to vaginas. But I can’t say I had no idea, because it was a 12-hour shoot , so you kind of get the picture that these women are going to stay naked after, like, five or six hours…Thank God I was hungover.”

On his dream job of political speech writing: “You’d have two or three minutes to affect someone. Make them hear you…I quite enjoyed doing the press for Twilight because there was a similarity. But you’d better have something to say. I felt a responsibility to be fascinating.”

On his emotional sight: “The only emotional connection of relevance is with my dog. My relationship with my dog, it’s ridiculous.”