Thursday, February 25, 2010

LIST ALERT: TV's cutest geeks!

#15 Landry Clarke, Friday Night Lights
There aren’t a lot of things dorkier than an off-beat kid in a Christian metal band, even one who plays high school football, but Landry’s quirky style works for him, especially considering the level of grade-A hotties he’s hooked up with on the show.

#14 Ted Mosby, How I Met Your Mother
If sincerity were an Olympic event, Ted would win the gold medal. The architect is so earnest about love and relationships it makes him a huge target, but despite his dorky tendencies, we’d still be proud to be the mother of his children.

#13 Dan Humphrey, Gossip Girl
Literary dorks are rare on TV, but that’s Dan for you, a book- loving nerd who still got to be the meat in a hot girl sandwich.

#12 Jeremy Gilbert, The Vampire Diaries
The awkward loner kid on The Vampire Diaries started as a drug dealer then became transformed into a studious young man. Either way, he’s one of TV’s dorkiest and most adorable characters.

#11 Topher Brink, Dollhouse
Topher was so smart that his mind almost brought the world to its knees. His hyperactive intelligence made him a cute computer genius.

#10 Greg Sanders, CSI
Greg Sanders may be less nerdy now that he's a Level 3 CSI and carries a gun, but we'll always remember fondly the lab rat who we first met. He was the captain of his high school chess team, he's an Eagle Scout, he grew up on The X-Files and he graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Stanford. Nerd Swoon.

#9 Spencer Reid, Criminal Minds
Solving crimes isn’t easy, unless you’re a super genius who graduated high school at age 12 and has an apparent knowledge of everything. Dr. Reid is definitely a dork, and he’s definitely got a certain appeal that drives a small segment of the population crazy.

#8 Daniel Faraday, Lost
The constantly broken speech patterns and talk of complex physics made us realize he’s incredibly nerdy, but his love for Charlotte in season 5 was so sweet and sincere that we fell in love with him without even realizing it.

#7 Dr. Drew Pinsky, Celebrity Rehab
The self-help silver fox, Dr. Drew is incredibly cute and, when he talks, he actually listen because the man knows a lot about addiction and human psychology.

#6 Chuck Bartowski, Chuck
Even without the Intersect, Chuck is a smart, fumbling, bumbling dork who’s so cute you just want to squish his face like a stress ball.

#5 Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory
Not only is Sheldon a genuine genius, but he’s the most socially inept person on TV. The fact that he doesn’t even seem to care about sexuality just makes him even more adorable.

#4 Henry Grubstick, Ugly Betty
Christopher Gorham belongs in the Cute Dorks Hall of Fame. He was Harrison John on Popular, the titular nanobot-fueled super spy in Jake 2.0 and in his greatest achievement in adorkability, Mode accountant Henry Grubstick on Ugly Betty. He was so gosh-darn delicious that Betty even ate whipped cream off his stomach.

#3 Dr. Lance Sweets, Bones
Putting such a smart brain in such a boyish man-child is cruel, especially when Booth and Bones belittle him every chance they get, but Sweets lives up to his saccharine surname and manages to charm us with his “aw shucks" cuteness.

#2 Xander Harris, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
He may not have been smart, but what Xander lacked in IQ he made up for in social awkwardness, forever playing the role of “everybody’s butt monkey."

#1 Seth Cohen, The O.C.
The ultimate dork, Seth’s love of comic books was intense, but so was his unending adorableness.