Thursday, February 25, 2010

Info about Neil Patrick Harris's Role on Glee

It seemed too good to be true, but now it is definitely happening!
This is what I'm hearing from Glee sources about Neil Patrick Harris' guest spot, which has been rumored for weeks but is now very much a done deal. In fact, as I type this to you, the script for Neil's awesome episode is being written—yee!—and one Fox insider tells me: "The fans will love it." So what will Neil play? Here's what I'm hearing:

Hold on to your track pants, Sue Sylvester! 'Cause one solid Glee insider tells me that Neil is playing a character who is "really funny and really mean." I'm told he will be "much more of the Dr. Horrible variety than Doogie Howser, M.D."


So it seems Glee's writers are smartly honing in on their comedy sweet spot: deliciously devious characters who can deliver those breathtaking LOL one-line zingers. (See: Jane Lynch, and now Molly Shannon, who is rumored to be playing an enemy to Sue.)

So where does Neil's guest spot now stand? "When the news first broke that Neil was coming on," one Fox insider says, "it really wasn't happening at that point and nothing was written. But things changed fast, as they do."

That said, we'll know more details when the ink on Neil's ep has dried. But the good news is that the ink has definitely dried on his contract, and we'll get the great flavors of NPH and Glee together in very late spring.

In other good Glee news: I'm told the Glee kids' White House gig is most definitely happening. "It's true and we're obviously very excited," says a source who works on the show.

And if you didn't hear, some of our Glee faves will also lend their voices to an episode of The Simpsons! Cory Monteith confirmed the news by tweeting: "Just recorded a guest spot for THE SIMPSONS. One of the best moments of my life thus far." Lea Michele followed up with: "Recorded an episode of The Simpsons today! SO cool!!!! Will let everyone know when it's gonna air! :)"